How It All Commenced

The idea for The Astonished Man and Friends began in 1984. My sister Kathy and I were taking a math class for teachers at San Jose State University, and we were studying base ten numeral systems including their origins around the world. The Egyptian numeral system was the only one that used very recognizable characters. I thought the simple drawings were pleasant.

As I studied them further, I realized the significance of the characters. Each numeral became more complex as the value of the numeral increased ten-fold. The staff, a simple line, was worth one, while Astonished Man–the highest evolved form of animal, equaled one million. I also wondered why the top numeral was called Astonished Man. I looked up the word and started to get some ideas about the surprise and wonderment of living.

Coincidentally, my sister Kathy and I often discussed “The Meaning of Life,” and were both young and seeking the thrills that life had to offer. One night, my sister had a prolific dream in which a strange monster was attempting to devour people. Kathy, however, belonged to a small club called “The Only Group Curious.” The monster wasn’t interested in them and she was safe. Now the gears were really turning for me. The monster symbolized the fear of nothingness, boredom, ennui, doubt, and loss. What a great way to get away from the “monster” than to be with others who seek answers to life? I sensed the value in seeking knowledge and putting it all together in a way that kept the monster at bay!

I had been drawing comic books for five years, first ones that put down geeks and nerds to prove that I wasn’t one, and later me as a superhero in an attempt to rise past just being cool. Hey, I was really young with lots of acne! So I quickly came up with character ideas for each of the Egyptian symbols, prepared the comic book set up as I had done fifty times before, and jumped into it. Only Burbot and Pointing finger had true verbal skills, while Pointing Finger, Lotus Flower and Heelbone (later) could communicate in subtle ways. I had pretty much bowed out of the comic book creating hobby by this time, but I realized the value this book offered me. I could express my discoveries of life and have a record of my journey in one place.

I made five books in 1985 and was going to be done with it. Upon completion however, I discovered a need that could not be met. Life, I discerned by the last book, is not static. One can’t stay in the same place mentally. My sister also sensed the great value in continuing the search and urged me to continue someday. I quickly made a life-long vow: Make five new books every five years. This way I could chronicle my evolving thought process, and hopefully share it with others. If I had discoveries in the interim, I made a “special edition” to preserve the information.

With the help of my sister and RJ, The Astonished Man and Friends are finally jumping into the public eye. Though the Astonished Man Fan Club has existed since the beginning, it has really only been known to friends and family. The books and the club have always been intended to be available to all astonished beings! I hope you enjoy what you find.

Gary Gonzalez  

The Characters







He points!